Change/cancel delivery

Do you want to change or cancel your delivery? This is only possible if you have not yet received an order confirmation. Has the order been confirmed and have you received an email about this? Then it is not possible to cancel or change the delivery. You can then only refuse delivery at the door or send the order back to us. We have special form this .

Order not (yet) received

Haven't received your order yet? Firstly, we would advise you to take the following steps.

  1. Check your track & trace number.
  2. Check if your delivery address is right. Our backoffice team uses exactly the same address which has been provided by you to us.
  3. Have a look in your mail. It may be that your shipment has some delay. You will receive an email if this might occur!

Done every step above and still facing issues? Our Support team is always ready to help you. You can contact our support team by clicking this .